Hi, I’m Kristin.
Sales Representative - responsible for Partner Aquisition.

Who am I
I am Kristin, born in Coburg. I studied Business Administration and Economics in Passau but always wanted to move to Munich ever since I've been here the first time. I already worked for different NGO's either as a Fundraiser or in the back office organising Face-to-Face Fundraising Campaigns. During my Studies I also did a Semester abroad in Italy where I totally fell in love with the culture and the Pizza ;)
Spirit Animal
The deer, as I am quite sensitive and have a strong intuition. I have the power to deal with challenges with grace. I master the art of being both determined and gentle in my approach.
Passionate about
I can be passionate about really good food. No matter what mood you're in, if you want to celebrate something or have a bad day - Food will always take your day on another level.
Working at StudySmarter
I immeditaly fell in love with the product as it is excactly what I would have needed back in the days when I was in school and university. So I wanted to contribute to the vision that everyone will be empowered to achieve their educational goals but also in my case help our users also in finding the right employee afterwards. // I really appreciate the working environment. You are totally free to work whereever and whenever which really helps to take your personal productivity to another level. Also you can have an engergising Porridge or game of table tennis if you need it.

Typical day
I always start my day by going to the gym as it gives the energy I need for the day. As I enter the office I always start with a nice Porridge and some coffe from our awesome Siebträger coffe machine while going through my Mails an prepare everything for the rest of the day. After work I always like to cook or order some nice food to really end up the day while watching some trash TV.
Successful in your role
In my job it is crucial to be very extroverted and communicative as I talk to potential partners over the phone the whole day, trying to figure which feature of the product is the one that is most important to them.